Psychological Services 心理服務


Beginning therapy can be a big step toward being the healthiest version of yourself and living the best life possible—no matter what challenges you may be facing.


    • Depression

    • Bipolar and related disorders

    • Anxiety Disorders

    • Panic Disorder

    • Agoraphobia 

    • Generalised Anxiety Disorder

    • Social Phobia

    • Specific Phobia

    • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and related disorders

    • Post-Traumatic Stress and related disorders

    • Chronic insomnia

    • Personality Disorders

    • Marital problems

    • Chronic pain

    • Grief and bereavement

    • Interpersonal problems

    • Impulse control problems

    • Anger control problems

    • Eating disorders

    • 抑鬱症

    • 躁鬱症及相關障礙

    • 焦慮症 (驚恐症、懼曠症、廣泛焦慮症、 社交恐懼症、恐懼症等)

    • 強迫症及相關障礙

    • 創傷及壓力相關疾患

    • 長期失眠

    • 性格障礙

    • 婚姻問題

    • 長期痛症/長期病患心理調適

    • 照顧者的壓力

    • 哀傷及喪親輔導

    • 人際關係問題

    • 衝動控制問題

    • 憤怒控制問題

    • 進食失調